Saturday, January 15, 2011

a fresh start.

I know, it is already halfway through January...however I have decided to write about one thing which I am grateful for every day...or at least try to anyways. (I do admit, I am pretty terrible at keeping up with journals) Looking back on this year, many things in my life have changed...many for the better, some perhaps not so much. Either way, I am a much different person than I was 365 days ago.

So, the first thing that I am thankful for is taking a leap of faith.
I have always been a very cautious person...I suck at being too opinionated, and I am indecisive and tend to weigh out each possibility. However, without taking a leap of faith every once in a while, life is dull and colorless. I am so thankful for finally having the balls to be me...without caring what anyone else thinks.


  1. A leap of faith is always the hardest thing to do. But I suppose that's why it's called faith.

    I am excited to be creepin' your blog now. :)

  2. It really is!!! Especially when you're comfortable where you are at. Change is scary sometimes!

    Hahaha, creeperrrrr!!!
    That's okay, we can creep on each other now. :]
