Sunday, January 30, 2011

Artwork with the love of my life.

Nathan decided to take me on an amazing date to Lowe's, and this is what we have created thus far:

Finger painting dates are amazing fun, I highly recommend trying it out at some point. :] We still ended up having a lot of paint left, so these are the first of many of our creations! We're hoping to fill a whole wall with color and awesome-ness.

The first one was actually our second "masterpiece". Haha, our first attempt at fingerpainting together ended up not meshing well. Perhaps if we alter it a little I will end up posting it. It's hard to notice, but in the background the colors are going in different ways because Nathan started on one side, while I started on the other. In person, it looks really cool because the styles of the colors collide. :]
The second was done on a black poster board, and the inspiration came from an American Eagle shirt that Nathan has with this image on it. We thought it was pretty unique looking, so there it is. :]

I adore you, Nathan Alan Hyer, because I love you more than I could ever promise, and you take me the way I am.

Good morning starshine, the Earth says hello

I love the feeling of the sun on my skin. I love how it warms and spreads happiness throughout me. :]
As much as I hate the frigid cold of Texas, I prefer it to most any other state simply because most days of the year, it is nice and sunny. So thank you Texas, for giving me a break from the winter and being a lovely 75 degrees for me to frolic in.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Temper gets you into trouble, but pride keeps you there.

We all loathe being wrong.
We often dig our heels in and keep our stance because we allow our pride to control our emotions.

This is especially true in relationships...we want our significant other to see our side so badly, that we sometimes forget that they have a side too. So today, I'm thankful for forgiveness. Because we cannot show our unconditional love for someone unless we learn to forgive them, and we cannot gain their love unless we are forgiven.

"I'm just a little girl lost in the moment, I'm so scared, but I don't show it. I can't figure it out, it's bringing me down. I know I've got to let it go and just enjoy the show." - Lenka, "The Show"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

tree huggers and whale savers

I am so grateful for Reema. Although I have only known you for a little over a year, I feel like I know you better than any other friend. Thanks for the car rides, hysterical laughs, killing rants, Dr. Pepper, and the tree adventures. Most of all, thanks for listening and keeping me sane (for the most part anyways). Also, thanks for teaching me how to embrace the evil side of life. Life is much more fun this way. :]

For better of for worse, you have changed me for good...and I look forward to spending an eternity of 'fun hell' with you. :] No homo though.

"I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn. And we are led to those who help us most to grow if we let them, and we help them in return. Well I don't know if I believe that's true...but I know I'm who I am today because I knew you." - Wicked.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I cannot imagine a day without smiling...even on my worst days something will make me laugh, and in those moments, what bothered me or made me upset will vanish from my mind.

So here's to the silly cat videos, the ridiculous blogs, hilarious friends, and an amazing boyfriend. Y'all lift me up with the smallest things without always knowing it! :]

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Leo F. Buscaglia

windows down, wind blowing through my hair

Today I am thankful for these car rides alone. With such a busy schedule, I'm always running from school  to work and at the same time attempting to maintain some sort of social life...these car rides are where I can have peace, solitude, or even scream and sing my frustrations into the wind.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

a fresh start.

I know, it is already halfway through January...however I have decided to write about one thing which I am grateful for every day...or at least try to anyways. (I do admit, I am pretty terrible at keeping up with journals) Looking back on this year, many things in my life have changed...many for the better, some perhaps not so much. Either way, I am a much different person than I was 365 days ago.

So, the first thing that I am thankful for is taking a leap of faith.
I have always been a very cautious person...I suck at being too opinionated, and I am indecisive and tend to weigh out each possibility. However, without taking a leap of faith every once in a while, life is dull and colorless. I am so thankful for finally having the balls to be me...without caring what anyone else thinks.