Monday, February 14, 2011

Butterfly kisses and secret wishes.

Wow! I seem to suck at this blogging thing, it has been a while since I have written last. This has certainly been a week of crazy! Currently switching jobs (hooray for no longer having to drive 30 minutes to and from work), and studying for a killer chemistry test tomorrow. Needless to say, this girl is worn out! we all know, today is Valentine's Day (or for some, Singles Awareness Day).
Never been much of a romantic, so this is always a weird time for me. Ideas fail to come to mind, and I try to avoid stores because they are so cluttered with masses of pink, red, and white. It's pretty overwhelming in my opinion. Since Nathan and I are a pretty odd couple to begin with, naturally, we celebrated in our own special way.

NARBC is THE north Texas reptile convention. The North American Reptile Breeders Conference attracts reptile breeders from all over to sell their critters at this show. This year, Kalah, Nathan, and I made our excursion to the Arlington Convention Center, where there happened to be a Yu-Gi-Oh championship next door (was anyone aware people still played???! I may have to bust out my Pokemon cards...hah). Anyways, getting a little off track here. Every time I go to one of these, I vow to NOT bring home another animal. But Nathan being the spontaneous soul that he is, talked me into getting a gargoyle gecko (which I have ALWAYS wanted...they are just so darn adorable!) Meet Valentine. :]

Haha, Kalah and I are losers and got these cool Petsmart tattoos...why are they on our forearms like that? We're still not quite sure. Hah.

On another note, Nathan has decided to join the Air Force in the fall! SO excited for him and this opportunity, what other job will offer the travel, free school, and will over all just TAKE CARE of you like they will? (And if someone knows, then hook me up pretty please. :])
So what are we doing relationship-wise, you might ask?
We're sticking together of course! What else would two kids head over heels in love do? ;]
I'm so grateful for having him in my life, and I love everything about who he is.
So here's to you, my love, for the smiles and laughter, for being a shoulder to cry on, for being an ear to vent to, for loving me regardless of my many faults and oddities, and for most of all, being my best friend. I can't wait to see what this new adventure has in store for us!


  1. Aw that sounds like a great day. :)
    And I see Nathan did decide to join. Yay Air Force!

  2. Indeed!!! It's pretty ironic because I was thinking about joining for the longest time and he ends up being the one to do it. Haha.
